Launching a new program such as BetterBookClub can come with all sorts of obstacles. However, with the help of your company’s Success Manager and the advice of a company who has been there and done that, the implementation of the program can be a much smoother process.
After signing up for BetterBookClub, the first thing that DSicovery did to ensure their success was to appoint their Champions. A BetterBookClub Champion is a company’s in-house and one-stop person (or persons) who can answer questions regarding the program.
When asked what they would tell a company who is having a hard time getting the BetterBookClub program started in their office, Champion Whitney Cheshier said, “We had the very same issues during the first month or so into launching our club. However, somehow at the tail end of the quarter people started turning in their reports and momentum quickly picked up.”
Whitney went on to say, “I think it helped that we mentioned it multiple times in our weekly huddles. We would also bring it up naturally in conversation and explain how simple the BetterBookClub process is. From there, employees would tell a few friends, and those people would in turn tell more people about the program. I believe that active members contributed most to gaining readers for our first meeting. Also, having an intriguing book shelf draws people in!”
Justin Moses, another Champion at DSi, added that inviting additional people to attend the BetterBookClub meeting—even if they didn’t read a book—helped in engaging others and offered a subtle invite for them to attend the next meeting.
“We also took our Success Manager’s advice in making public recognition in handing out the gift cards for completed reports at the end of the quarter. In a weekly huddle, Justin handed out each reward card and told the amounts in front of the entire group. Hearing ‘$100 to…’ repeatedly is a great selling point of the program,” Whitney concluded.
– Lauren Head, Success Manager
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